Tuesday, April 29, 2008

The Sarcastic Princess

Once upon a time, there was a sarcastic princess. On the outside, she appeared lovely, sweet, and innocent, but on the inside.......

Princess: Mommy, remember like 6 months ago when you said you were going to make a list of chores and stuff for us to do?

Me: *blank stare* (as I never did accomplish the list making)

Princess: Yeah. How's that workin' for ya'?

What the hell month is this anyway?!?!?

Princess: Mommy, can I wear shorts today?

Me: Nope...it's been snowing outside!!

As far as I'm concerned this is MAY! Why the snow? Why, why, why????????

Friday, April 25, 2008

The Jokester strikes again

What's a tree's favorite kind of pop?

Hold on................

Oh, the suspense must be killing you...................................

Root beer.

Get it?! :)

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

A Story of Poop

"Mom, I'm going to tell you a story of poop.

Once upon a time there were two poops. They liked each other, so they got married.

They lived in a house.

And they lived crappily ever after."


Get it? Crappily ever after. My boy is a riot, I tell ya'!!!

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Hangman is fun!!

Played Hangman with my kids yesterday (the board game version). They are just soooooooooo funny! It was Bubba & Princess vs. Mommy. They stumped me and ended up guessing my word first. This is the part I was stumped on:

__ E A __ E S

They were giggling and in hysterics the entire time. They were acting like it was a naughty word or something. The only thing I could come up with was LEAVES. Then they started acting like I was a complete moron!! Finally, they revealed the word. Are you ready?....

Wait for it.....................................................


WTH??????? Then they died laughing. I told them that no wonder they stumped me - that wasn't a real word. They were like, "Yes it is! Duh Mom!" Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!!!


OMG!! Help me.

Monday, April 7, 2008

Hogs, I need hogs.

Anybody? Anybody?

You'd think living in the Hog Capital I would've found a hog by now.

I need a hog for a hog roast in May for the FRG.

Still waiting. Oh, and I will not be involved transporting it, cooking it, or looking at it while it's roasting.

But I might eat some of it. :)

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Ken Lee

Ken Lee. Tulibu dibu douchoo. Ken leeeeee. Ken leeee anymore.

I freakin' love Bulgarian Idol. I wish I lived in Bulgaria.

Check out the face the female judge makes. Total and utter disbelief. Hee hee!

"What was that language?" "English." Bwahahahahahahahhaha.


Tuesday, April 1, 2008

It's a GIRL!!

My baby sister had her 2nd child today - a GIRL! Hooray! Now Trixie will have a little girl cousin to play with at all the family get togethers.

I thought she was playing an April fools joke on me, and my kids thought I was playing one on them. LOL!

Congrats to Jenni & Josh (& Coop!) on baby Parker!!