Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Hangman is fun!!

Played Hangman with my kids yesterday (the board game version). They are just soooooooooo funny! It was Bubba & Princess vs. Mommy. They stumped me and ended up guessing my word first. This is the part I was stumped on:

__ E A __ E S

They were giggling and in hysterics the entire time. They were acting like it was a naughty word or something. The only thing I could come up with was LEAVES. Then they started acting like I was a complete moron!! Finally, they revealed the word. Are you ready?....

Wait for it.....................................................


WTH??????? Then they died laughing. I told them that no wonder they stumped me - that wasn't a real word. They were like, "Yes it is! Duh Mom!" Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!!!


OMG!! Help me.

1 comment:

Deb said...

out of the mouthes of babes...reminds me of a story of playing bananagrams recently...but that's for another blog entirely...geeZ...go figure!