Friday, December 28, 2007

Has it really been 9 1/2 years?

I know people say this sh*t all the time, but I can't believe my baby boy is already 9 1/2 years old. It kills me to think that I am past the halfway mark of raising him. He already stopped holding my hand in public. :(

He did sit on my lap today though while I was playing his video game with him. And he still always has to kiss me goodnight. I love you Bubba.

I think I'm feeling a little nostalgic because Princess is spending the night at her cousin's tonight, and she's NEVER gone overnight. It's so weird. I wish she was here. I love you Princess.

I don't get to tell them that as much because they are always off doing their own thing. Trixie gets about 100 I love yous a day still. She's such a cutie.

Friday, December 21, 2007

Just testing

Hey, something popped up after my last post, so I need to go check it out...

Christmas Break finally begins...

Well, after some hog-wild Christmas parties, my 4th grader and my 2nd grader have been released into my custody for 16 fun-filled days. No homework. No yelling and screaming "We're late! Put a fire under it!" No waking up at ungodly hours of the day (that would be any time before 9:00. 10:00 if I had my way.)

The only problem I foresee is that hubby is not off work for part of this time, so I will be rising when Trixie crams her hand under my shoulder bone and says "Up! Up! Jooshy. Jooshy." (that's 2 year old talk for "Get your a** out of bed and get me some juice woman!")

Why? Why? Why did I get pregnant so late in life? Was it really worth the extra years of fun when I was young? I think not at this point. And why wasn't Trixie born first? If she was, I would've never had the next two, which means she would be 9 by now, which means I could probably be sleeping in until at least 9:00 for the next two weeks...

but I digress. Have I mentioned how much I love being a mom? 'Cause I really do. I wouldn't trade it for anything, but it doesn't mean I haven't asked God, "Why?" on occasion.

I am truly looking forward to the next two weeks. It's like summer. The kids get to be kids and have fun with no pressure, no committments, no assignments hanging over their shoulders. It really is tough to be a kid sometimes, so I love times like these.

Now if I can only get the rest of the presents wrapped.

So you're walking down the street and a dead bird suddenly clocks you on the head...

Dead birds in New York. Now that's hog-wild.

Maybe I should send this link to my little sister, who has this amusing fear of birds. I love to think of ways I can torture her, just like I did when she was little!

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Yesterday - the impact of death

Well, I thought I had a blog, but after searching, I can't find it. So here's a new one.

I had a crappy day yesterday and I'll tell ya' why. Princess was getting ready for school when suddenly she came flying out of her room sobbing. She proceeded to tell me that the night before she'd had a bad dream about Grandma. She said "she was a ghost" and when she saw her, that she ran to her and hugged her. *sob*

We had a bit of a talk about Grandma, and I told her that she wasn't dreaming that she was a ghost - she was probably dreaming that she was alive and it was probably a result of the fact that we had been talking about Grandma that night before bed. Ugggh. Death sucks. Princess holds a lot inside (like me) so it was breaking my heart.

I surprised her later at school and took her out to lunch at one of her favorite restaurants. She was excited. Yay me. One mommy point.

And Alison, this is for you and your family as I know they are suffering greatly right now:

Go rest high on that mountain,
"A", your work on earth is done,
Go to heaven a shoutin'
Love for the father and the son