Thursday, December 20, 2007

Yesterday - the impact of death

Well, I thought I had a blog, but after searching, I can't find it. So here's a new one.

I had a crappy day yesterday and I'll tell ya' why. Princess was getting ready for school when suddenly she came flying out of her room sobbing. She proceeded to tell me that the night before she'd had a bad dream about Grandma. She said "she was a ghost" and when she saw her, that she ran to her and hugged her. *sob*

We had a bit of a talk about Grandma, and I told her that she wasn't dreaming that she was a ghost - she was probably dreaming that she was alive and it was probably a result of the fact that we had been talking about Grandma that night before bed. Ugggh. Death sucks. Princess holds a lot inside (like me) so it was breaking my heart.

I surprised her later at school and took her out to lunch at one of her favorite restaurants. She was excited. Yay me. One mommy point.

And Alison, this is for you and your family as I know they are suffering greatly right now:

Go rest high on that mountain,
"A", your work on earth is done,
Go to heaven a shoutin'
Love for the father and the son

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