Okay - I don't know if there's a way to label pictures, but this is Bubba with Ozzie (left) and Mina (right). I don't remember what they were looking at. Probably the cat.
Slip slidin' away. That's me. Happens every winter. Arrrgh. (no, I'm not a pirate, just some p*ssed off chick) I NEED sunshine.
We have had a week from hell with T having surgery last Monday then Ozzie started having seizures on Tuesday and continued with 8-10 a day until last night. He is seizure-free today. Yay! I thought we were gonna lose him this time. He was so out of it and could barely even walk on Thurs, Fri & Sat. It makes me sick to think what that must be doing to him, and it takes such a toll on his body. Poor baby.
We took him to a doggy chiropractor on Saturday. She realigned him, took our money, then suggested a second visit on Wednesday. I don't think it did him any good, but probably no harm either, so he will go back on Wednesday am. She will be shocked when she sees how different he is. He usually growls at the vet, so they have to muzzle him. Trust me. If he growled at me, I'd want to muzzle him too. Scary. Anyway, he was a zombie for her on Saturday, so she will be in for a big surprise. Oh well! (I did give her a heads up about that on Friday!)
We also tried to start him on a dehydrated raw food diet. I knew I could never make the time to prepare his food for a raw food diet. Unfortunately, this stuff is crap. I mean, it's like oatmeal. Only green. And nasty looking. It looks like the plant food the "dad" feeds his kids in the Goosebumps movie "Stay Out of the Basement," which I'm sure everyone reading this has seen.
Ozzie took a couple bites/licks and his lips began to curl. Not a good sign. I'd give him an A for effort though, because he did attempt a few more bites. Then he walked away with nary a glance back. Fat Mina on the other hand, chowed the whole bowl down. Plus the samples we had made for them earlier. She's like Mikey from the Life cereal commercials. She'll eat anything. (and everything...and does this on a daily basis...)
Anyway, I could go on and on about my doggies, but I must state that I have been a terrible wife to T this week. I have barely helped him at all! I feel so guilty because I should have been taking care of him. I've been coming down with something and it has just sapped the energy out of me. Combine that with having to do a load of laundry EVERY time Ozzie seized (Yes, that was over 35 loads this week) and I barely said a word to him. Uggh. I feel like crap for that. Trixiebelle has also been sick, so extra demanding, and last night Bubba was in tears over a headache and needed a little extra TLC.
I love being a wife and mom. I love it more than I could ever imagine, but I just wish that T was a polygamist so that I had another capable woman here to help me all day long. (since we're the only ones who ever do sh*t!) Okay, well maybe I wouldn't like that so much, but I think you're getting the picture.
Well, I am going to try to post a picture of my Ozzie and see how that goes. And I'm going to try to end my post with 3 things I am grateful for today.
1. My doggy survived the torture his body endured this last week. I just adore him.
2. My kids still love me even if I have turned into a royal beotch over the last 8 or 9 months.
3. I still think my husband is totally hot after 19 1/2 years together.
We have had a week from hell with T having surgery last Monday then Ozzie started having seizures on Tuesday and continued with 8-10 a day until last night. He is seizure-free today. Yay! I thought we were gonna lose him this time. He was so out of it and could barely even walk on Thurs, Fri & Sat. It makes me sick to think what that must be doing to him, and it takes such a toll on his body. Poor baby.
We took him to a doggy chiropractor on Saturday. She realigned him, took our money, then suggested a second visit on Wednesday. I don't think it did him any good, but probably no harm either, so he will go back on Wednesday am. She will be shocked when she sees how different he is. He usually growls at the vet, so they have to muzzle him. Trust me. If he growled at me, I'd want to muzzle him too. Scary. Anyway, he was a zombie for her on Saturday, so she will be in for a big surprise. Oh well! (I did give her a heads up about that on Friday!)
We also tried to start him on a dehydrated raw food diet. I knew I could never make the time to prepare his food for a raw food diet. Unfortunately, this stuff is crap. I mean, it's like oatmeal. Only green. And nasty looking. It looks like the plant food the "dad" feeds his kids in the Goosebumps movie "Stay Out of the Basement," which I'm sure everyone reading this has seen.
Ozzie took a couple bites/licks and his lips began to curl. Not a good sign. I'd give him an A for effort though, because he did attempt a few more bites. Then he walked away with nary a glance back. Fat Mina on the other hand, chowed the whole bowl down. Plus the samples we had made for them earlier. She's like Mikey from the Life cereal commercials. She'll eat anything. (and everything...and does this on a daily basis...)
Anyway, I could go on and on about my doggies, but I must state that I have been a terrible wife to T this week. I have barely helped him at all! I feel so guilty because I should have been taking care of him. I've been coming down with something and it has just sapped the energy out of me. Combine that with having to do a load of laundry EVERY time Ozzie seized (Yes, that was over 35 loads this week) and I barely said a word to him. Uggh. I feel like crap for that. Trixiebelle has also been sick, so extra demanding, and last night Bubba was in tears over a headache and needed a little extra TLC.
I love being a wife and mom. I love it more than I could ever imagine, but I just wish that T was a polygamist so that I had another capable woman here to help me all day long. (since we're the only ones who ever do sh*t!) Okay, well maybe I wouldn't like that so much, but I think you're getting the picture.
Well, I am going to try to post a picture of my Ozzie and see how that goes. And I'm going to try to end my post with 3 things I am grateful for today.
1. My doggy survived the torture his body endured this last week. I just adore him.
2. My kids still love me even if I have turned into a royal beotch over the last 8 or 9 months.
3. I still think my husband is totally hot after 19 1/2 years together.
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