Thursday, March 13, 2008

Oh, I forgot!

I want to try to remember some of the funny things Trixie says since she's still so little.

Today she was hitting me (yup, I'm a mom of a 2 year old) because she didn't want to take a nap. She threw such a screaming, crying fit that she made herself throw up all over herself, my jeans, my comforter & my sheets. Cool. Thanks.

Then when she woke up, she looked at me and smiled and said, "I hit Mommy. I say sorry now." Hee hee. That's the first time she's ever added that second line.

Then when I was getting her ready for bed, she passed a little gas and said "That was a stinker in my butt." Then -

"Mommy has stinkers in her butt. Sissy has stinkers in her butt. Bubba has a wein...Bubba has stinkers in his butt. Daddy has stinkers in his butt."

Thank you for that darlin'. And I forgive you for getting a little sidetracked when you about told me that Bubba had a weiner. See you in the mornin'!


Brandy said...

Don't ya just love those kinds of comments? I have twin 3.5 yos and boy can they come out with some good stuff!!

Love the photo! She's adorable! :)

Jess said...

Maybe she's suffering from the same stomach virus that has caused endless rounds of vomiting with our 6 kids over the past two weeks. Hope she feels better soon.

Jess - AKA: scrapprjes on 2peas

Purple Princess said...

What a precious picture!

Tara - Purple Princess (2Peas)

Fanciful Cutter said...

heheehhe kids are so darn funny! mine is 22 now but he comes up with funny stuff still!

one of these days i am gonna get around to blogging myself - until then I will read all of you other blogger's stuff!

wholarmor said...

She's so sweet and innocent looking in that picture, ;). I think 3 is even a tougher year than 2s. So hang on for the ride, lol. Kids say great things and usually make up for the times that they are total stinkers.